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About Us

Lapunyah Art Gallery first opened as Chinchilla White Gums Gallery in December 1999, when local artists and Councilor Jean Mallyon lobbied the then Chinchilla Shire Council to incorporate an art gallery in the Chinchilla Cultural Precinct redevelopment.
The old Chinchilla Library was converted into an art gallery, named after the local white gums. In 2015 the gallery Committee changed their name to Lapunyah Art Gallery Inc, and lobbied the Western Downs Regional Council to change the gallery name to Lapunyah; this being one of the many botanical names for the White Gum, including Napunyah and Yapunyah. All of these names have Indigenous connections.
In 2022-2023 Lapunyah Art Gallery underwent extensive renovations and expansion as a part of the multi-million dollar redevelopment of the Chinchilla Cultural Precinct. The gallery now has a smart contemporary look befitting a modern approach to the Arts. Lapunyah has been managed by an ever-evolving group of dedicated volunteers under the banner of Lapunyah Art Gallery Inc, supported by the Western Downs Regional Council. The gallery now operates as an arts space with three designated galleries, and two workshop/events spaces, inside and outside.
Lapunyah Art Gallery Inc has custodianship of the Chinchilla Community Collection which holds over 250 pieces of art, both 2D and 3D.                                                                   

Eucalyptus agrophloia

Chinchilla White Gum

Former Chinchilla White Gums Gallery frontage

Lapunyah Art Gallery 2024

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